Ordinary time between the Christmas and Lenten Season is short this year. Ash Wednesday is February 14 and Easter is the 31ST of March. Time goes fast and the busyness of life can make it hard to enter into the Lenten season of reflection and preparation as we should. We are to follow Jesus’ example of withdrawing into the dessert for 40 days in hopes of gaining greater intimacy with God through prayer and sacrifice. St. Mark invites us in his gospel to “Come away to a quiet place and rest a while”.
You are invited to prayerfully consider joining the Women of Christ the King Parish on their 2ND Annual retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center during this Lenten Season from February 23-25.
You may register directly at www.stpaulsretreatcenter-pittsburgh.org, or contact Terri Jackson, retreat promoter, at 412-860-4280 or [email protected] for more information.