Do you want to deepen your grasp of the Christian message and your appreciation of how the Church reaches out through time and across nations and cultures? Join us for Catholicism: Journey Around the World and Deep into the Faith, a 2011 video series that presents the foundations of the Catholic faith in a visually arresting style. The series was filmed in more than 50 locations in 15 countries and is hosted by Bishop (at the time, Father) Robert Barron.
We viewed the first six episodes in the fall. We will now see the last four videos on Wednesday mornings beginning January 15 in the St. Scholastica parish hall following the 10:00am liturgy. Each episode lasts about an hour. After viewing, there will be half an hour to share your reactions and thoughts.
There is no need to commit to the whole series! Although watching all of the episodes is ideal, you can benefit from any of them. Come when you can. There is no fee or registration, although donations will be accepted to cover costs. Questions? Contact Andy Bechman at: [email protected].