Answering Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si’ to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, we plan to:
• inform and encourage the people of Christ the King Parish to deepen our faith commitment as stewards of God’s Creation;
• move toward a more sustainable lifestyle on a parish, family, and individual level;
• advocate for climate policies informed by faith and science;
• deepen our spiritual communion with God, the Earth, and its people.
This group provides an in-depth study of one book of the Bible each year to further our understanding of our Lord and His Church and also to provide an opportunity for fellowship for local Catholic women.
This group facilitates Christ the King’s Parish’s financial support of students at several Catholic schools established for the “poorest of the poor” in Haiti, through the Mortel High Hopes for Haiti Foundation. We also offer events and resources to increase our understanding of Haiti and our Christian solidarity with the Haitian people.
The Guyasuta council of the K of C seeks to be a quality institution that genuinely lives out the objectives of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Through activities and events we raise money to distribute to a variety of local, national and international charities.
Listening Friends offers a support group to help with healing for suicide loss survivors.
Our mission is to advance what Pope John Paul II has called "the most important work of all" –preserving the sanctity of all human life.
Saint Vincent de Paul assists the needy in our immediate community with financial and material support.
The Christ the King Social Committee sponsors and organizes volunteers for events to enhance the community and social life of our parish.
Men of Christ the King Parish are invited to participate in a program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Church faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop a vision of man fully and spiritually alive.